Friday, December 21, 2012

Batwoman #15 Review

by JH Williams. W. Haden Blackman and Trevor McCarthy

Woah. Massive quality jump. But is it for better... or for worse? 

If you're trying to get someone into Batwoman, don't let them start off with this issue.  A: It's not the best place to start. And B: It's definitely not the best chapter of the series. This issue was nothing but a boring interlude. I yawned my way through this issue. Here's a quick summary of the book: The first and last page of this book are the same as the last page of #14. Maggie gets some stuff done, shoots some of Medusa's men, and yeah... Williams and Blackman do end up doing a commendable job with the dialogue, but beyond that, this is easily something to ignore.

Trevor McCarthy is a very "meh" artist. He doesn't bring the same complexity or beauty JH Williams does, and ends up feeling like a rush job. Many characters look the same, and there is a frequent continuity error involving Maggie's lipstick. I usually like McCarthy's art (Batman: Gates of Gotham was spectacular), but it just doesn't belong here.

Batwoman #15 is a very average issue. It's nothing but boring filler, where the only thing that is accomplished is a few Asian guys getting shot.

STORY: 2.5/5
ART: 2/5/5
VERDICT: 2.5/5

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