Thursday, April 18, 2013

Nightwing #19

by Kyle Higgins and Brett Booth

Wait, wasn't Tony Zucco that fat guy that had a heart attack in Dark Victory? Well, looks like he's lost weight.

So, Nightwing #19 marks the start of the newest arc of the series. I must say, Kyle Higgins's writing was a delightful surprise for me. For me, the writing for Nightwing is usually just OK, but from what I've seen, it's quickly improving. Dick feels like the Dick we fell in love with (shut up, you know what I mean) years ago when we first read Dark Victory or Robin: Year One. He knows how to have fun, and has a surprisingly light and happy-go-lucky demeanor despite hunting down his parents' killer. The one problem I had with the writing though, was that much of the new supporting cast feel stale and expendable.

Brett Booth joins Nightwing with this issue, and he does a much better job than I thought he would. Booth brings a fluid and energetic sense of detail to the action scene, and his Nightwing looks very good. BUT, many of Booth's faces look exactly the same, and Nightwing looks exactly like Tim Drake.

Nightwing #19 is nowhere near as good as the Death of the Family tie-in, but it's still a pretty good comic.

STORY: 4/5
+ Dick is Dick (oh shut up)
+ Love the new setting
+ I like his personality in this
- Supporting cast is one-dimensional

ART: 3/5
+ Strength is in action scenes
+ Nightwing feels like he should
- Faces look alike
- Nightwing is secretly Tim Drake

VERDICT: 3.5/5

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